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Connect Laptop to Router Console Port

May 2023

Meraki is now the recommended Endpoint and Router solution.

See Supported Routers and EndpointsGet a Meraki Router for dCloud Use and Routers FAQs for more information.

You must have one or a combination of these cables to complete this task:

  • Serial DB-9/Ethernet RJ-45 console cable
    Console Cable
  • USB to serial DB-9 adapter only if your laptop does not have a serial port.
     USB to serial adapter
  • RJ-45 console cable to USB if your laptop does not have a serial port. 
    USB to RJ45
  • USB-C to RJ-45 console cable for newer laptops such as MacBook Pros and ThinkPads.
    USB-C cable

To connect your laptop to the console port on your router:

  1. Plug the serial DB-9 end of the console cable into the serial DB-9 port on your laptop. If your laptop has no serial DB-9 port, plug the serial DB-9 end of the console cable into the serial DB-9 end of a USB to serial DB-9 adapter and then into a USB port on your laptop.

    If you use a USB to serial DB-9 adapter, install the adapter driver on your laptop according to the adapter documentation.

  2. Plug the Ethernet RJ-45 end of the console cable into the console port on the router. The console port is usually labeled CONSOLE or CON/AUX on Cisco routers supported for dCloud use.

Figure 1. Example Console Port Labeled CON / AUX (Cisco 819 Series Router)

Cisco 819 Series Router - Console Port

Figure 2. Example Console Port Labeled CONSOLE (Cisco 1811W Router)Cisco 1811W Router - Console Port

If you need help locating the console port on your router, refer to the router documentation.


If you are using the ATEN USB Serial Adapter with Mac OS X Lion, be aware that there are known issues with getting the adapter to work correctly. For assistance, contact Cisco dCloud Support.

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